The spot

That summer we became caretakers - just ten days of house sitting whilst friends went in search of some long held hopes and expectations. I expected nothing more than a fresh-air break from the city. But sitting there that first day, swamped by swallows and the shrill flights of swifts over the quay, I unwittingly put down roots. It was not just the ideal weather and the sight of ebb tide boats all along the coiled river, for there have since been winters, cloudy days and some most unpromising moments under these same eye-full skies. But my heart never strays far. After all,  love is not of our choosing and even places can lodge themselves deep in our affections.

Many summers have gone and come again and this one brings a restless urgency to make migration plans. So why search the map for direction when there is already an x marking the spot?
Martins in mud huts
home a forsaken landscape
autumn winds recall

Very late for the Haibun Monday @dVerse but life gets in the way yet I could not resist this prompt: Summer – besides I’m not that late for the Toads Tuesday Platform

23 thoughts on “The spot

  1. “I unwittingly put down roots” – oh how that happens! This is such an affecting post, Laura. And the haiku too. I especially love the way you used ‘home’ as a verb here. Bravo.

    1. lovely comment – thank you Tish. Yes we are like weeds – no one plant us yet we turn up in some place or other 😉

  2. Lots of home felt imagery here, a most enjoyable read. I also really liked the following……………….“I unwittingly put down roots”……….. so true.

  3. A different but memorable summer ~ I admire this part:

    After all, love is not of our choosing and even places can lodge themselves deep in our affections.

    Thanks for joining our Haibun Monday ~

  4. Your writing is so evocative, Laura. Always a pleasure to read and imagine through your prose and poetry. That feeling of love of place–so difficult to put into words…you’ve succeeded, and then some.

    1. so good to share places and plants across our continents Beth 🙂

    1. so encouraging to know I succeeded in passing my love of this place on – thank you!

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