the crux

Sometimes the West door is sealed
cameras secreted where gargoyles scrutinize lead roofs
people disbarred - or lured by coffee aromas
vegan buns and picnickers in pews
I wander our churches for whereabouts of worship
and coming to the crunch
feel God wondering there too

Just 44 words scrunched together for De’s Quadrille: Crunch

36 thoughts on “the crux

  1. I like your views of St. Pauls. I love the wonder/wander as well. the few times I visited I was always amazed at the picnickers in church pews.

    1. Not so much St. Paul’s but some churches are cafe hybrids

  2. Many years ago when I worked in Cheapside, I used to wander down to St Paul’s on my lunch break. Back then it wasn’t quite so busy in the week, not so many tourists, and it was a place to enjoy peace and quiet, some time to think. I can understand God wondering at the picnickers in the pews.

        1. Dear ladies, sorry that I fail to resist nosing into this conversation. Here’s why: Whenever I’m in the UK, I often park my car near St Mary-le-Bow, eat in Bread Street Kitchen or the sort and hang round the churchyard of St Paul’s (never paid to get in either). So, next time if you see a Chinese guy with a young family of five in the area, maybe you can give him a shout and ask if he’s a pescetarian. Lol

  3. I liked God’s wondering and the sound of “picnickers in pews”. That was a very nice photograph. It reminded me of stained glass which would fit the church theme.

  4. That ending line calls for a deeper reflection between God and ourselves ~ Love your perspective ~

  5. This was a wonderful poem. So descriptive… cameras in Gargoyles and God wondering with you among the pews!! Perfect!

    1. thank you – it arose from my renascent faith and frequent church visits – surprised myself that it followed from ‘crunch’ though

  6. There’s a small caf in St Paul’s crypt but I’ve never seen anyone picnicking in the pews. I must watch for this next time that I’m there.

  7. Great take on the prompt. You had me a little confused with “rooves,” which I assume is meant to be a plural of roof? But once I got past that, I loved the underlying theme.

    1. Old usage but it seems to sound better than the shorter oof – like hooves rather than hoofs

  8. That last line somehow had me wondering if the Lord had a whip of cords in hand to chase after the merchants of candles and coffees.

    1. As long as the aim is to gather the flocks the shepherd will not cast them out

      1. And these are the days when many claim to belong to the pen, and many claim to be the shepherd. Wanderers on the pasture … wondering if they’re faithfully following. *sigh*

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