Head sense

“The world that used to nurse us
now keeps shouting insane instructions.
That’s why I ran to the woods.”
~ Jim Harrison from Songs of Unreason

There was always that false sense
of security – the kind where at any moment
the nurse will drop you on your head
knocking sense they called it
and in order to remain right way up
I took on the sensibility of common sense
honed it to such a degree that I’d scoff at
fools who suffered gladly

Only later did I see how worldly-wise
their hard-headed methodology, how fit for roles
the ease at which they slipped into scripts
ready-made robes of office – I tried them on
but people called after me in the street: charlatan
and showed me the door – heavy, unmarked doors
with a baby head knocker of Indian rubber
weaned here on sheep cheese and dumdum pills
and if ever I bawled for a heavenly father
they’d tuck me up nicely with the warmest of currents

And when the exit doors did lumber open
I headed straight for the woods and raised trees
instead of people

A somewhat wry response as I’m joining Jilly and her pick of  Jim Harrison quotes as poetry prompts for Day 22 of 28 Days of Unreason


18 thoughts on “Head sense

  1. “ools who suffered gladly” — great. And the lumbering and raising trees at the end is wonderful.

  2. kaykuala

    And when the exit doors did lumber open
    I headed straight for the woods and raised trees
    instead of people

    It is good to offer time to reflect for a while and come back prepared and confident to tackle the issues. Such issues may start small but later get complicated if not acted upon!


  3. I may not completely understand what you wrote for today, but I am encouraged to think you at least avoided taking this straight to political. If it is political, maybe I’m missing it in hopes of reading something overtly poetic.

    (Sorry, but all the sniping amongst the artists has left me quite testy)

    1. I agree Charley – my blog manifesto is to avoid trumpeting my views – this is for all those who took the road less travelled

      1. You have my respect. When I get riled enough, I don’t always hold my tongue. My Viking blood, I suspect.

        1. just don’t mention pollution and population and species loss to me as I tend to burn my boats then

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