
WordPress alerted me to the fact that it’s 7 years since I started blogging – that means I stopped smoking all that time ago as what else was I to do with my hands other than write about it.

The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches.

Several blog manifestations later, today is as good as any to think about what kind of photography I wish to do versus what kind of photographer I am.

Being a city dweller, architecture and people and streets are my main subjects. I often look for the Lowryesque figures within the complexed angles of buildings.

“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us,” Winston Churchill

As is evident by the above collaged diptych, I like the creative and fun aspects of photography, juxtaposing or superimposing two different times and places to create the one image.

Perhaps it’s sneaky but I hesitate to point the camera directly at people unless there is a spectacle (see yesterday’s bubble image) and so rear views or reflections are my kind of street photography

You are a mirror of yourself in others…Be the best reflection of yourself
Karen A. Baquiran

And as a bit of a loner, I like to photograph streets or alleys when there is that gap in pedestrians and suddenly a whole quiet descends

Silence about a thing just magnifies it ~ Tennessee Williams

I could go on about all the other fun things of photography I am trying out including ICM and blur, post camera work with Photoshop Mix. And whilst it is evident from the featured photo (top) that I have developed a liking for architectural geometrical upshots, I’m happiest in a rural environment. Meanwhile London compensates for that with all its rivers, parks and trees. And by way of celebration here are seven samples of all that – in colour too! –

19 thoughts on “Seven

  1. If you hadn’t mentioned the first pic is a diptych I wouldn’t have realised, had to go back up and take a closer look. And I think I’m going to have a closer look at what you said, too “…to think about what kind of photography I wish to do versus what kind of photographer I am” – that often pops into my head but somehow it hasn’t manifested itself into proper thinking about it.
    Happy blogoversary! I’m ever so glad we found each other online!

    1. I think I’ve tried forcing myself in the direction of photographers I admire instead of paying more attention to me – just because we admire does not mean we have to emulate. It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.
      And blogging led me to you – that has been a bonus 😀

  2. Don’t have time for a vacation, but going through this well thought out, beautiful post comes close. You, my friend, are an artist, and your work is a welcomed moment. Thank you for this!

    1. Thank you! After 7 years of trying I could not wish for a nicer, more encouraging comment – you Jilly are a good blogging friend to have – many thanks

  3. What a nice thinkaboutthewhyandwherefore! Your images are striking. If I ever pull out and scan some of my older stuff (on paper and all) you might agree that we share something in common with our eye. I don’t do the photoshop thing, but love what you do with it. I’m also partial to your poetry — don’t let that drop, k? Happy anniversary!

    1. You keep your photos unadulterated by word and edit – that’s how an image speaks loudest Charley. Glad you don’t do the same with your poetry though you never waste words.
      p.s. Come to think of it this anniversary post might have mentioned poetry since its been part of blogging for the past 4 years or so and now both sides of the ‘artist’ are joined together here. Have an idea for that….

    1. thank you Diana – reminds me that we have been blog visitngmuch longer. And no you did not miss that post – but you obviously spotted the Whitehall Memorial image in the archive Gallery on the side

  4. I of course missed yours and my blogging anniversaries…7 yrs and I have loved following all your blogs!

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