Lighten up

My grandson catching the last of the afternoon sun (but well factored up) as I’m grabbing some illumination for Dale & K’lee’s prompt: Living in the Light.

Note: Since all and any photo edits are accepted too, I have trialled a couple from the photoshopCAFE

A light touch of oil (paint) on the water
A darker touch of watercolour on the water

9 thoughts on “Lighten up

  1. I agree with Dale. I’m also a fan of ships and boats of all kinds. Marinas are a favorite of mine too. Well done.

    1. I love water – as long as I’m beside it and not in it. Enjoyed the challenge (and appreciate the breadth of the prompt too) – so thank you both

      1. I drive past the local marina on the way to one of my sunrise locations. Maybe I should be paying more attention.

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