A slow shutter on a moving world

Chaos is a friend of mine

Bob Dylan

Just before going to new Zealand in January, I spent the weekend in Central London – my old hunting ground – and once more I was struck by the chaos of the crowds, the melee in momentum, the erratic pattern of pedestrians and so I tried to capture this with the effect of intentional blur.

I’ve walked these streets for all my life

            they know me like no other.

But the streets have changed.

            I no longer feel them


Kate Tempest ~ let them eat chaos

Rather than looking for a pinpoint of interest, create an image into which the viewer can hurl themselves headlong and revel. Chaotic photos aren’t subtle; they scream their stories loudly. Frequently it’s the chaos itself that conveys the all-important narrative: the riot of colour, the confusion of lights, the array of choice. 
Embrace the chaos theory for interesting photos

Other useful links
Chaos by Darren You
Chaos Photography ~ Eric Kim

In her photo challenge entry Patti draws our attention to the current chaos of the Covid-19 pandemic – sure I’m concerned about the predictions for the threat to life, the mass breakdown of health, the disruption to society and the economic and social fallout – so far 409 people have tested positive in London – a city of 9,304,000 people! We wait with bated breath for what happens next.

...Meanwhile I am joining Leya with her Lens Artist Photo Challenge: Chaos

20 thoughts on “A slow shutter on a moving world

  1. Laura, I absolutely love your title and your images are simply wonderful. My favorite is the guy whose shirt is flying out behind him but they’re all exceptional and combine to deliver the message perfectly

  2. Excellent entry, Laura – love especially number two and number five. But, they all fit in perfectly. Thank you for the links too.

  3. I’d never even heard of chaos theory in photography, luckily I’m a subscriber to your blog so I’ve read about many things that were new to me over the years!

  4. The motion blur is a great idea to visualize chaos, a world in motion. Beautiful post, Laura. You did a great job here expressing the chaotic nature of London in both words and images.

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