Making the most of Mist & Minimalism

“It amazes me when mist
chloroforms the fields
and wipes out whatever world  exists…

…and a crow
calls down to me in its treetop voice
that there are webs and drips
and actualities up there”

Mist ~ Alice Oswald

A cold spell followed by a warm front brought two days of mist and so out I went with my camera on a solitary silent walk that was quite marvellous.

More than a photo a day here but still am linking to the citysonnet challenge: nature

18 thoughts on “Making the most of Mist & Minimalism

        1. I agree hence made it the feature – and it was almost the last one I shot so evidently I found the right mood! could not leave the others aside to just gather dust in the archive though

          1. In the past I would have picked one without obviously man made objects but recently I’ve been including them in some of my shots.

  1. Lovely photos. It reminds me of misty mornings in my home town in northwestern Minnesota. I would love to photograph the city (I’ve since moved to Denver) on a cold misty morning. I think 400tx pushed a few stops would be perfect for that.

    Anyway, glad to have found your blog, and thank you for the inspiration.

  2. I like your misty pics much better than mine. Methinks I need to go back to editing and try more different b&w edits…

  3. Now I am feeling guilty for not going out in the mist and capturing such inspirational views. And what a lovely poem. It could have been written about here.

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