the ring

How paradoxical!
A seasoned setter of jewels
And no stone setting.*
Desiring other elements
Than coffined earth
Went light-bodied out
To sea. But the gem
Picked out for me
Green-eyed as a jealous god
Still binds, though it sits
Entombed in its velvet box

*within the first year after the passing of a loved one, Jewish mourners and their family gather at the graveside for a ceremony called the unveiling, the placing of the tombstone is the stone setting

Just 44 words for De’s quadrille prompt: Stone

50 thoughts on “the ring

  1. This is hauntingly enchanting, Laura: ‘Green-eyed as a jealous god’ is a wonderful description for a gem, especially one serving as grave goods. I like the idea of a sea burial as well.

  2. Poignant in its sentiment and written with great skill. Again my condolences to you for losing your loved one.

  3. Oh gosh, Laura. So poignant! The tie of elements, and earth and sea.

    “But the gem
    Picked out for me
    Green-eyed as a jealous god
    Still binds,”

  4. I loved the tenderness expressed in your poem. The gem will forever bind.

  5. Some things can’t be buried. I thought your quadrille was beautifully worded.

  6. I don’t know where to begin, this is so much emotion and longing and regret packed into the tiny form. Each line hits right in the gut.

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