
My GRiii was already set to positive film effect which gave this view of Mont St Michel in Normandy a somewhat retro look and since it was aeons ago since I was last here, it suits. In fact I don’t recall the long walk or even how we reached here from St Cast-le-Guildo but the narrow, winding cobbled streets are a vivid memory. So too stopping in a tourist shop and Father bought my sister and I a necklace each – mine with a picture pendant and hers a heart-shaped locket that opened to hold tiny photos or mementos. Then and there I broke the coveting commandment of neighbour’s goods – if only I’d known the Leonine prayer!

“Blessed Michael, archangel,
defend us in the hour of conflict.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil”

Still I was just 6 and not yet responsible for any wrongdoings. And besides there were so many positive things to enjoy especially crab shaped rolls for breakfast and the beach with pink shells where horses rode the shoreline at low tide

4 thoughts on “Positive

  1. A real Disney castle. Nice. Like your story too. Adds texture. Me no Catholic nor even close, but think we can grant six year old you a pass that time. Aaah… memory, a fickle companion at best, nor averse to just making things up. Testify. As “creative folk” serious impact to memory is a worrisome challenge. And… here we are no matter what. Glad to see your views of things.

    1. a far cry from that woke dream factory Neil – an 8th century abbey sits atop a rockly island – the ramparts at the base of the island were built to keep the English forces out!! Later it became a Napoleonic prison. Now a commune and world heritage sight – no wonder I did not remember the thousands of tourists milling through these narrow streets
      see Mont st Michel

  2. I adore the retro feel of this and now I’m very interested in your camera. I’ll have to do some research as it sounds like something I may want to own one day. The castle subject and your memories were a delightful treat. Thank you!

    1. thank you – I usually shoot Raw but its fun to break out every now and then to play with in-camera effects. And I see you are a keen photographer Bridgette and the Ricoh GRiii is so handy for the kinds of shots you might want to take – pocketable yet no compromise on quality

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