Macro, close-up and the GRiii

Macro photos are images in which the magnification of the subject is life size or greater. They change our perspective of a subject to focus on the hidden details and often introduce colours and textures not picked up with other types of shots. [source]

Unlike its earlier predecessors the Ricoh GRiii is not a zoom lens but a fixed wide-angle lens, equivalent to a 28mm. But it does also have an in-camera crop mode which reduces images to 35mm and 50mm respectively. I must try this out sometime as usually I crop (if at all) post camera in Lightroom – [see marmalade hoverfly images below – click to view closer]

Aside from cropping, the GRiii also has a macro mode which switches to autofocus and a focal range of 6 to 12 cm from the front of the lens. It gives some very nice bokeh effects though here these were enhanced to painterly as the images were also shot in HDR mode (more of that later in the week)

and what better to try out macros on than wildflowers in the meadow – click for closer views

Something for Macro Monday