
I've been there from the beginning
grit in the oyster
in Eden - like an apple seed
caught in a throat
caught between desire and desiring
an insatiable  yearn 

And so must sentients
with their lightness of being*
append me somewhere.
Cast Titania fashion 
over the first eye opening
an Adam, an Eve
an ass-head, opiates,
wheel spin,  coin toss

Frantic as the butterfly chase
unnetted, against the itch
that incurable infection
of my infectiousness.
And these the tell-tale signs: 
   moon sick mopers
   love struck lyricists
   crazed scribblers 
   poets, belletrists, diarists
till ink runs dry and words 
pitch into dusk.

Only a young one, on the cusp
staring into the night
with nothing on but wondering
is immune
sensing the pearl of peace
past all understanding

*title of Milan Kundera’s 1984 existential novel

For her Poetics prompt Kim gives us several words to choose One Word from and animate, personify. I’ve chosen limerence (an involuntary state of intense desire). This, a psychiatrist’s invention but there was no need as we already had concupiscence/with longing (cupere (L) – to long for). It is sometimes attached to eroticism but philosophically is broader, as in Kierkegaard’s ‘Concept of Anxiety’. (1844)