A meadow meander in HDR

“No voice calls me to order
as I enter a dream of meadow,

kneel to earth…”

“and, moving east to west, second
the motion only of the sun. “

“I plant frail seedlings in the unplowed field, trusting
the wildness hidden in their hearts.”

“Spring light
sprawls across false indigo and hyssop,
daisies, flax. “

“Clouds form, dissolve, withhold or promise rain. “

“In time, outside of time,
the unkempt afternoons fill up with flowers.”

Mary Makofske’s “Planting a meadow” provided just the right words for my miles of meadows sunny walk. I was trialling the GRiii’s HDR tone, which the Ricoh manual describes thus: “Takes images finished like a painting with enhanced fine contrast.” (and even better all the settings are adjustable too – watch this space for more HDR!)