Birthday Blues

“O may my heart’s truth/Still be sung/On this high hill in a year’s turning.” ~ Dylan Thomas

This being my birthday I wish I could have written a poem with at least some of the lyrical musciality and nostalgia as Dylan Thomas does with his birthday “Poem in October”. Instead I conjured a piece of digital art – the blues are not moody although July has been cool and wet and continues even to this day. Rather here are the hues of my favourite colour and the figure is dancing with restrained joy, just glad to have family and a friend to celebrate with.

Here’s to the next year, to the best year yet;
To mixed joys, to my harum-scarum prime;
To auguries reliable and specious;
To times to come, such times being precious,
If only for the reason that they get
Shorter all the time.

Tim Steele ~ On the Eve of a Birthday

One for Blue Monday without the gloom