
You took sudden leave that autumn 
when the last notes of a September song
died too. I'm still singing out your name Martin
though quietly. No call back, just to roll my tongue
round something so familiar, the way autumn 
reciprocates on cue. Cooler but still blue.
Again there is leaf fall in the garden
just hints. And tinted tips to acer trees 
Days of remembrance - have you forgotten
our wedding, the crush of mulberries
those latter years we hailed as autumn?

43 thoughts on “Enfolding

  1. There is a sadness here that holds one, and repeats on cue when autumn comes around. Touching remembrance of those joyful times.

  2. The perfect title for a fold in autumn, Laura, and a touching tribute to Martin. I love the lines:
    ‘… just to roll my tongue
    round something so familiar, the way autumn
    reciprocates on cue’,
    the internal rhyme of cue/blue and the ‘tinted tips to acer trees’.

  3. How nostalgic, heartfelt, and lovely. I feel the emotion in your words. You did a fantastic job with the fold poem, and I especially love your chosen rhymes, “autumn, Martin, garden, forgotten”. A perfect piece.❤️🙏🏼

    1. thank you for highlighting this form in your prompt – I do not usually like rhyme in my poetry but the spaces helped them become less intrusive and easier to write this remembrance

  4. Oh my heart this is so poignant .. I love the sensitivity with which this poem is penned. Sending you gentle hugs, my dear Laura 💜💜

      1. It hasn’t been easy but I am coping with the loss. Poetry helps .. I am beginning to understand how it serves to be therapeutic. You have a strong friend. Love you 💜

        1. I have disabled reblog in the admin panel (tools/marketing/sharing) but I think there are ways round it -anyway will now re-enable temporarily just for you David!

  5. The recall is bittersweet expecting “no call back”. How beautifully folded these memories.

  6. I feel sort of funny praising the perfection of a poem that is so personal and bittersweet in its remembrance of love, anniversaries, and grief. Although I love the beauty of early autumn, it does seem a melancholy time of year, especially as it gets darker, and how much more so for you. Sending you hugs from across the sea, Laura. 💙

    1. I too wonder about sharing the personal except grief is also public since it comes to us all – me at this time of year but also it goes with the season and I always appreciate your feedback Merril – thank you for such kind words

  7. Lovely, Laura. Reminds me of a line from Shelley:
    “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought”
    May you be comforted at the very least by the songs you sing.

  8. I know there are many other iterations of poetry, but I think it is only when we share the personal that great poetry emerges Laura – as this one is. I too referenced September song but in connection to personal intimations of mortality but this is far more poignant. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  9. I rarely think of Autumn as a season of loss … your beautifully constructed fold poem reminds me of losses I have experienced in this season.

  10. Oh, I eschew one word comments but – beautiful.

    Wait, I’ve thought of more. As usual, you do a lot with fewer words than most would use.

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