love and YouTube in Ashes

Today, Valentines across the globe celebrate their unions in roses, chocolates, gifts, and date nights. I say ‘Cheers’ to them and long may they enjoy the sweet taste of love. And as can be seen from the above photo, a recent visit to a renowned London cocktail bar has me considering what might might be on offer on such a day – there are the usual lascivious names but I think a ‘Rumplesnuggler’ is the most warming, combining Baileys and Rumple Minze peppermint schnapps, just what’s needed for love in chilly February, at least here in the Northern hemisphere. 

 “Each year, around the latter part of winter, Lent arrives. It nearly always surprises me. Here it is, once again, summoning me to change how I typically live.” — W. David O. Taylor

By complete contrast, with this loved-up day, some remember Valentine as a priest and Christian martyr and since today is also Ash Wednesday, my thoughts are turning to Lent. I regard it not so much as a period of sackcloth and ashes and fasting (though that I will incorporate) but as an opportunity to give up something I’ve given in to. And the most obvious one currently is the amount of time I spend on my iPad or iPhone mindlessly watching YouTube videos, those that piqued my interest, click baited, or are otherwise in my recommendations. It has been an insidious time-wasting habit, sometimes interesting, occasionally even informative but mostly viewing the valueless and the vapid. So as from today I am reclaiming the time that YT steals, at least until Easter. And in 3 weeks, some of that time will be spent with my sister and family in Israel – nothing could be more valuable.

So Happy Valentines and may the Force be with you!

11 thoughts on “love and YouTube in Ashes

  1. Today is also Ash Wednesday? I was unaware so thanks for that reminder, so much 🙏
    And 40 days from now, Easter 🐣
    Just like that! How the year is turning into a regular year with all the observances that bookmark my year.
    May your trip to the bar warm you from the inside out.
    And Israel? May the trip be everything you expect. Blessings.
    Love this post. So happy to know all this. XO 🤗 and beautiful photograph xoxo 👏🏽

    1. ‘observances that bookmark the year’ – nicely phrased Selma. Alas I have no Valentine to share today with but any day that gives precedence to love is one to rejoice in. And so begins the long march to Easter and another joyous one to be had – thank you for your kind words x

  2. An admirable endeavor! My kids get sucked into YouTube if I let them. The videos they watch are strange.
    I am happy to hear you’ll soon be spending time with your sister and family.❤️🙏🏻

  3. That is something indeed to look forward to! Family are a precious gift.
    And giving yourself back some time is as well. (K)

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