
The Zenbrush3 app has a selection of ‘art papers’ and frames including a light and shadow set of long and narrow, circular, rectangular and square . So this month I’ve been digitally painting and cutting them, then re-siting them in layers.

the highest form of beauty lies not in the forms of the real world but in geometry ~ Plato

In so doing I’ve inadvertently strayed into the realm of “Geometric Abstracts”, the 20th century pinnacle of non-representative art, whereby non-objectional form and colour is the whole essence. Stripped of symbolism, inference, reference etc it become a sort of WYSIWYG meditation, whereby the usual ‘figuring out’ becomes figuring in!

art can or should be like music, in that just as music is patterns of sound, art’s effects should be created by pure patterns of form, colour and line.

I’m not making any great claims for these formations aand hence have themed these as Shapers rather than Geometric abstracts (especially since there already is a Geometrics section in the gallery). However, these have been the most pleasing to create and the results are more than satisfying [click for a closer view and see the Shapers gallery section for more

abstract art, since it does not represent the material world, can be seen to represent the spiritual. Tate

11 thoughts on “Formations

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