light on the Horizon

Despite the noisy imperfections of indoor night scenes, I invariably do not resort to flash – not least because I can never handle it well enough to put to good use.

f3.2; 1/60; iso 500

As a result I also found that many of the photos had horizontal Venetian blind-like lines across them. Apparently it’s all to do with shutter speed not matching the  A/C phase cycles of artificial lighting and hence freezing part of the cycle (our eyes do not notice the on-off flicker of the light phasing)

f 2.8; 1/60; iso 320

<— f2.8; 1/60; iso 250

Recommended solution: Set the shutter speed at 1/50 (1/60 US/Canada) to match the cycle or at twice that 1/100 (1/125)to catch half of the cycle.
If you need to keep the shutter speed above 1/125, use flash which overpowers the artificial light (but keep shutter speed within the flash sync speed 1/200 – 1/250)

For all the gen on light cyles read further:
How to deal with light frequency issue

I did in fact have the speeds set at 1/60 most of the time but since I’m in a 50A/C country I might not have seen the ‘venetian blind effect’ if the shutter speed was set to that or multiples of that – I will retry in future with this speed equation in mind.

f2.8;1/25; iso 1600
Introspectives:  thinking out loud with an aim to improve and learn more about photography. Hence the images are not always for show – feedback is welcome.