In the rain

Rain, rolling up eastward from Bristol, hurried
After the train. Travelling towards you…

Alan Ross ~ A Following Rain

I see an offshore rowboat
oars shipped, and seem to hear
a lap-tongued invitation
a whisper from the waters, to spirit away
to your side. And always I recall
our stolen escapade that day
over the Serpentine, beneath the bridge
passers-by imbibing our laughter.

One October you sailed, solo
a hurried crossing. No warning,
no time to map the nebulous way
towards the blue light. Gone from
my sight. I pray you did not linger
upon the Lethe, lulled into oblivion.
Nor felt the purgatorial pull of all
the left-behinds - but played them
as a cine film of someone else's making.

But please do not forget to anchor there
and haul me safely up that farther shore.

[*Credence Clearwater Revival – Have you ever seen the rain ~ 1970]