Congrats to my cat

Today is nominally Moog’s birthday. There is a video of her at 6-7 weeks old at the end of August 2005 alongside her sister so working backwards, today is as good as any to mark her birth.

In the video she and her sister, two black and white kittens are snuggled up in a mutual licking fest. Seeing them like that I wonder if, and how much they missed each other on separation. It also gives some insight into the affectionate nature of Moog today.

She has many charming traits not least her gentleness and patience. She sits quietly while her food is being put out and never invades lap space but instead lies beside me, as close as she can, whenever I’m sitting down. Often she will accompany me from room to room and at night sleeps in her own space in the bedroom. Only in the morning do I wake to her sitting besides me on the bed, looking expectant and dabbing my arm with her paw as a wake-up call if after 7 am.

It’s possible she is a little deaf as her meow is disproportionately loud. And she evidently has arthritis in all her limbs since she walks with a slow, plodding gait but for now at least she is just ageing gracefully

We’ve only been together for the past 7 months since my daughter Anne gave her to me, out of kindness and consideration that we might both appreciate some constant company in our advancing years.

So Happy 18/88th Birthday to Moog