Moog: Mourning in Microcosm

My 9/11 was a small tragedy but it is still heart-breaking. Only last week I had to have Moog put to sleep following a short few days of evident life threatening illness. In just under a year, she managed to permeate my life and fill my days with a great deal of joy and companionship.

Just one month ago – a quick snap of Moog as she snuggled up and dozed on my bed at night just before seeking her own – something she often did.

Note: I’m well aware that this microcosm of a tragedy is overshadowed by ongoing events in Israel and the many families who are left mourning their massacred dead as well as the uncertainty and heartbreak others are facing with their loved ones being used as hostages, from babies to the the elderly. Despite this, mourning is relevant no matter how small by comparison.