Rain man

What invokes this sudden ardour? 
 - petrichor
And what the taste of our last kiss
- sea mist
When shall I hear your voice again?
 - autumn rain

upon this weathervane
I hang such happiness
wrapped in a cold compress 
petrichor, sea mist and autumn rain

30 thoughts on “Rain man

    1. thank you Grace -rain often conjures the feeling of an absence for me
      p.s. this form became less and less daunting once I had the theme but it took a few hours

  1. I know I’ve said it before, and every time it is true: you make it look easy. Your affection for rain comes through so clearly ❤

    1. thank you Lisa esepcially for picking up on my love of rain – though here the weeks of it have washed out our summer so am finding it hard to like!

      1. You’re welcome. I can see why a lot of rain would be irritating, but you can also see the life-giving sense of it, I’m sure.

  2. OMG! This is amazing. You nailed it. The happiness is well told.


  3. This is well so done Laura, and the title ties it up tight.. Love me that petrichor, surenuf do.

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