
that was me, just hiding out
from all that nothingness, out there
unbound. No walls, doors, keys,
screening speak-easy strangers
spectral space. Lost in the leeway

I found a box and put a room inside

seeking that safe way out
so I built it all, starting small
scraps scrimped for a bed-sit
doll's house size with effigy
of me, being moxie daily
easing through the exit
chary-like, not just thrust out

I found a box and put a room inside

but the room just grew smaller
like Alice I spread, expanded, stood
gotta take big breaths, gotta get out
join those strangers in space
that's my story, learnt to live without

I found a box and put a room inside
May - mental health awareness month

For my MTB prompt: Boxing Clever with ‘The Bop– a poetry style by Aafa Michael Weaver of 23 lines, 3 stanzas (6/8/6) and 1 line given refrain. The emphasis is on lack of rhyme and minimal grammar with a problem posed, expanded, and resolved or not.

28 thoughts on “Institutionalized

  1. Your poem is a fantastic example of how the bop is done, Laura! I love the way you end each stanza with a one-word line, so effective. I especially love these lines (including the internal rhyme):

    ‘so I built it all, starting small
    scraps scrimped for a bed-sit
    doll’s house size with effigy
    of me…’

  2. You show us how it’s done, Laura. Loved your use of alliteration, and the whole poem weaving its way in rhythm and rhyme to find a way out into the world again.

  3. I like the way you used the title, which means one thing in some circles, but you expanded it to describe a world where one has never felt protected. It breaks my heart.

  4. This puts me in mind of the Gnarls Barkley song “Crazy.” I love the reference to Alice and her changes in stature. I really enjoyed writing for this unfamiliar Bop form, so thank you so much for a fun and challenging prompt!

  5. What a challenge you set us, Laura! Your poem represents the form beautifully. The content made me read it again and again so I could grasp the inner workings of the subject. Spot on!

  6. Your Bop is deep with meaning .. spreading / expanding / out of our self imposed boxes / what life is all about .. if we are fortunate. A poem that absolutely resonates with the reader. Thank you for a most unique challenge … great for jump-starting my old muse!

  7. A very moving statement of emergence Laura. Not easy to reveal oneself to this world. Well expressed my friend. ✌🏼😕

feedback is food for thought....