Acting my Age in Autumn

How foolish was I last June
still clinging to a love of Spring.
All those maniacal mating months
acting like some May Queen Mary
apple-blossom cheeked
crowned with Chervil and Hawthorn
in a frock frothed white.

How clean and cold and clinical!
Those chromas all outshone by lurid tints
by gamboge, philamot, carnelian,
the gold of an October, bright with sunlight
as the young, the hot blooded,
take wing for Africa. Their leaving
makes the month quite mellow.
And still there is no blue
as blue as a November sky, the trees
gleeful with frost, crisping the last leaves
and the air. Then I too breathe deep
and sigh with satisfaction.

How foolish all that looking back,
the past just frozen snapshots, impressions
memorized as imprints on the eye.
All my soul's desirings are here,
now, in this season of feuille morte*
  • gamboge – leaves with a vivid yellow pigment as from a resin from an Asian tree
  • philamot – derivative of feuille morte -a yellowish-orange-brown colour of dry leaves
  • carnelian – leaves having a reddish-orange or brownish-red, like the colours often found in the quartz by that name
  • feuille morte – literally dead leaf as per colour – see pronunciation